Conducting a Business Impact Analysis (BIA) for Effective Business Continuity Planning

In today’s uncertain world, businesses are exposed to a multitude of risks that can disrupt their operations, damage their reputation, and result in significant financial losses. Natural disasters, cyber attacks, supply chain disruptions, and pandemics are just a few examples of events that can impact a business’s ability to function. To mitigate these risks, businesses need to have a robust business continuity plan (BCP) in place. A key component of a BCP is a business impact analysis (BIA), which helps identify critical business processes and the potential impact of disruptions to these processes. In this article, we will discuss how to conduct a BIA for effective business continuity planning.

Step 1: Define the Scope of the BIA

The first step in conducting a BIA is to define its scope. This involves identifying the business processes that will be included in the analysis, the timeframe for the analysis, and the resources that will be allocated to the BIA. It is important to involve key stakeholders in this process to ensure that the scope is comprehensive and aligned with the business’s strategic objectives.

Step 2: Identify Critical Business Processes

The next step in conducting a BIA is to identify the critical business processes that are essential for the organization’s survival. These processes can vary depending on the nature of the business, but typically include:

  • Sales and marketing
  • Production and manufacturing
  • Supply chain management
  • Customer service
  • IT infrastructure and systems
  • Finance and accounting
  • Human resources

To identify critical business processes, it is important to assess the impact of their disruption on the organization’s ability to function. For example, if the organization is a manufacturing company, the disruption of the production process could result in a shortage of products and a decline in sales. Similarly, if the organization relies heavily on IT systems, the disruption of these systems could result in a loss of data and a decline in customer satisfaction.

Step 3: Determine the Impact of Disruption to Critical Business Processes

Once the critical business processes have been identified, the next step is to determine the potential impact of their disruption. This involves assessing the following factors:

  • Financial impact: What will be the financial impact of the disruption on the organization? This includes the cost of lost sales, the cost of recovery, and the cost of reputational damage.
    Operational impact: What will be the impact of the disruption on the organization’s ability to function? This includes the impact on production, supply chain management, customer service, and other critical business processes.
  • Reputational impact: What will be the impact of the disruption on the organization’s reputation? This includes the impact on customer trust, brand image, and market share.
  • Regulatory impact: What will be the impact of the disruption on the organization’s compliance with regulatory requirements? This includes the impact on legal obligations, data privacy, and financial reporting.

To determine the impact of disruption, it is important to gather data from various sources, including historical data, industry benchmarks, and expert opinions.

Step 4: Establish Recovery Time Objectives (RTOs)

Once the impact of disruption has been determined, the next step is to establish recovery time objectives (RTOs) for each critical business process. RTOs are the maximum amount of time that a business process can be disrupted before it begins to have a significant impact on the organization’s ability to function. RTOs can vary depending on the criticality of the business process and the impact of its disruption.

To establish RTOs, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • Business impact: What is the impact of the disruption on the organization’s ability to function? This includes the impact on sales, production, supply chain management, customer service, and other critical business processes.
  • Resource availability: What resources are available to the organization to support the recovery of the business process? This includes human resources, technology, equipment, and financial resources.
  • External factors: What external factors could impact the organization’s ability to recover the business process? This includes the availability of external resources, such as suppliers and vendors, as well as regulatory and legal requirements.

Establishing realistic RTOs is essential to ensure that the organization can recover critical business processes in a timely manner and minimize the impact of disruption.

Step 5: Identify Recovery Strategies

Once the RTOs have been established, the next step is to identify recovery strategies for each critical business process. Recovery strategies are the methods and procedures that will be used to restore the business process to its normal functioning after a disruption. Recovery strategies can vary depending on the criticality of the business process, the impact of its disruption, and the available resources.

To identify recovery strategies, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • Business impact: What is the impact of the disruption on the organization’s ability to function? This includes the impact on sales, production, supply chain management, customer service, and other critical business processes.
  • Resource availability: What resources are available to the organization to support the recovery of the business process? This includes human resources, technology, equipment, and financial resources.
  • Recovery time objectives: What are the established RTOs for each critical business process? This will determine the timeframe within which the recovery strategies must be executed.

Recovery strategies can include a range of measures, such as alternative sourcing for materials and supplies, backup and recovery of data and systems, and the use of alternative facilities or locations. It is important to document the recovery strategies and ensure that they are regularly reviewed and updated to reflect changes in the organization’s operations and environment.

Step 6: Test the BCP

Once the BIA and BCP have been developed, it is important to test them to ensure that they are effective and can be implemented in a real-world scenario. Testing can include tabletop exercises, simulation exercises, and full-scale rehearsals. Testing should be conducted on a regular basis to identify gaps and weaknesses in the BCP and to ensure that it remains relevant and effective.

In today’s rapidly changing and unpredictable environment, it is essential for businesses to have a robust business continuity plan in place. A key component of a BCP is a business impact analysis (BIA), which helps identify critical business processes and the potential impact of disruptions to these processes. By conducting a BIA, businesses can establish realistic recovery time objectives, identify recovery strategies, and ensure that they are prepared to respond to disruptions in a timely and effective manner. Regular testing and updating of the BCP is also essential to ensure its effectiveness and relevance in a constantly evolving environment.

Common Challenges and Pitfalls in Business Continuity Planning and How to Avoid Them

Business continuity planning (BCP) is the process of creating a strategy to ensure that an organization can continue to function during and after a disruption. It is an essential aspect of risk management, and it is crucial for businesses to have a plan in place to minimize the impact of disasters and unexpected events.

However, developing and implementing a BCP is not always easy. There are common challenges and pitfalls that organizations may encounter during the planning process, which can ultimately compromise the effectiveness of their plan. In this article, we will discuss these challenges and pitfalls and provide guidance on how to avoid them.

Lack of Commitment from Senior Management

One of the most significant challenges to BCP is a lack of commitment from senior management. If the leaders of an organization do not prioritize the importance of continuity planning, then it is unlikely that the plan will be taken seriously by the rest of the organization. This lack of commitment can lead to inadequate funding, lack of participation, and ultimately, a poorly executed plan.

To avoid this pitfall, it is essential to gain the support and commitment of senior management. This can be achieved by highlighting the potential risks and impacts of not having a BCP in place, as well as the potential benefits of having one. It is also important to involve senior management in the planning process, so they have a better understanding of the plan’s importance and can provide valuable input.

Lack of Buy-in from Employees

A BCP cannot be successful if employees are not committed to the plan. Employees are the ones who will be responsible for executing the plan, and if they do not understand or support it, then it is unlikely to be effective.

To avoid this pitfall, it is important to involve employees in the planning process. This can be achieved by creating a BCP team, which includes representatives from different departments or functional areas. The BCP team can be responsible for developing and implementing the plan, and they can also help to educate other employees about the plan’s importance.

It is also important to communicate the plan to all employees and provide them with training on their roles and responsibilities during a disruption. Regular testing and exercises can also help to reinforce the plan’s importance and ensure that employees are prepared to execute it.

Lack of Risk Assessment

A critical component of BCP is risk assessment. Without understanding the potential risks and their impacts, it is impossible to develop an effective plan. However, many organizations fail to conduct a thorough risk assessment, which can result in a plan that does not adequately address the organization’s unique risks.

To avoid this pitfall, it is important to conduct a comprehensive risk assessment. This should include identifying potential hazards, assessing the likelihood and severity of each hazard, and identifying the organization’s critical functions and assets. This information can then be used to develop a BCP that is tailored to the organization’s specific needs and risks.

Lack of Clear Objectives and Scope

Another common pitfall in BCP is a lack of clear objectives and scope. Without a clear understanding of the plan’s objectives and scope, it is difficult to develop a plan that is effective and efficient.

To avoid this pitfall, it is important to define the objectives and scope of the plan at the outset. This should include identifying the critical functions and assets that need to be protected, as well as the desired recovery time objectives (RTOs) and recovery point objectives (RPOs).

The RTO is the amount of time it takes to restore critical functions and assets after a disruption, while the RPO is the maximum amount of data that can be lost during a disruption. Defining clear objectives and scope will help to ensure that the plan is focused and targeted, and that resources are allocated appropriately.

Lack of Plan Testing and Maintenance

Developing a BCP is not a one-time task. To ensure that the plan remains effective, it is important to regularly test and maintain it. However, many organizations fail to do so, which can result in a plan that is outdated, ineffective, and ultimately, useless.

To avoid this pitfall, it is important to regularly test and update the plan. Testing can include tabletop exercises, simulation drills, and full-scale tests, which can help to identify gaps in the plan and ensure that employees are prepared to execute it. Maintenance can include reviewing the plan regularly to ensure that it remains up-to-date and relevant, as well as updating it after any significant changes in the organization or its environment.

Lack of Communication and Coordination

Effective communication and coordination are essential for a successful BCP. However, many organizations fail to prioritize these aspects, which can result in confusion, delays, and ultimately, a plan that is ineffective.

To avoid this pitfall, it is important to establish clear lines of communication and coordination during a disruption. This should include identifying key stakeholders, such as employees, customers, suppliers, and regulators, and ensuring that they are kept informed of the situation and the organization’s response. It is also important to establish protocols for communication and coordination, such as an emergency contact list and a command center.

Inadequate Resources and Funding

Developing and implementing a BCP can be costly, and many organizations fail to allocate the necessary resources and funding. This can result in a plan that is underfunded, understaffed, and ultimately, ineffective.

To avoid this pitfall, it is important to allocate the necessary resources and funding to develop and implement a BCP. This should include identifying the resources and staffing needed to develop and execute the plan, as well as securing the necessary funding from senior management or external sources. It is also important to ensure that the plan’s costs are factored into the organization’s overall budget and that resources are allocated appropriately.


Developing and implementing a BCP is essential for organizations to minimize the impact of disasters and unexpected events. However, there are common challenges and pitfalls that can compromise the effectiveness of a plan. These include a lack of commitment from senior management, lack of buy-in from employees, lack of risk assessment, lack of clear objectives and scope, lack of plan testing and maintenance, lack of communication and coordination, and inadequate resources and funding.

To avoid these pitfalls, it is essential to gain the support and commitment of senior management, involve employees in the planning process, conduct a comprehensive risk assessment, define clear objectives and scope, regularly test and update the plan, establish clear lines of communication and coordination, and allocate the necessary resources and funding. By doing so, organizations can develop a BCP that is tailored to their specific needs and risks and that is effective in minimizing the impact of disruptions.

Building a Comprehensive Business Continuity Plan: Key Steps and Best Practices

Businesses, irrespective of their size, are susceptible to unforeseeable situations that can disrupt their normal operations. Such situations can range from natural disasters, cyber-attacks, power outages, among others. When these events occur, they can cause significant damage to a business’s infrastructure, reputation, and finances. Therefore, it’s important for businesses to prepare for these events by creating a comprehensive business continuity plan (BCP).

A BCP outlines a set of protocols and procedures that a business will follow to ensure the continuity of its operations when an unforeseeable event occurs. It’s a proactive approach that can minimize the impact of a disruption on a business’s normal operations. A well-structured BCP not only helps to mitigate risks but also increases a business’s resilience to unforeseen events. In this article, we’ll discuss the key steps and best practices for building a comprehensive business continuity plan.

Step 1: Identify Potential Threats

The first step towards building a comprehensive BCP is identifying potential threats that can disrupt a business’s operations. Some of the potential threats that businesses face include natural disasters, cyber-attacks, power outages, human error, among others. The objective of this step is to assess the risks that can affect the business and prioritize them based on their likelihood of occurrence and their impact on the business.

When identifying potential threats, businesses should conduct a thorough risk assessment. The risk assessment should consider the business’s operations, infrastructure, and resources. It should also consider the potential impact of the risks on the business’s stakeholders, such as customers, employees, and suppliers.

Step 2: Determine Critical Business Functions

The second step in building a comprehensive BCP is determining critical business functions. These are the functions that are essential to a business’s operations and must be restored quickly after a disruption. Critical business functions may vary depending on the nature of the business. For example, a manufacturing company’s critical business functions may include production, inventory management, and shipping. On the other hand, a consulting firm’s critical business functions may include client communication, financial management, and human resources.

When determining critical business functions, it’s important to prioritize them based on their importance to the business’s operations. Critical business functions should be identified for each business unit or department, and the functions should be ranked based on their level of importance.

Step 3: Develop Recovery Strategies

The third step in building a comprehensive BCP is developing recovery strategies. Recovery strategies are plans for restoring critical business functions after a disruption. Recovery strategies should be designed to minimize the impact of a disruption on a business’s operations and to ensure that critical business functions are restored as quickly as possible.

Recovery strategies should be developed for each critical business function. The strategies should include the resources required for recovery, the recovery time objective (RTO), and the recovery point objective (RPO). The RTO is the maximum amount of time that a critical business function can be down before it affects the business’s operations. The RPO is the point in time to which data must be recovered after a disruption.

Step 4: Establish Emergency Response Procedures

The fourth step in building a comprehensive BCP is establishing emergency response procedures. Emergency response procedures are plans for responding to a disruption when it occurs. The objective of emergency response procedures is to ensure that employees are safe, critical business functions are protected, and the impact of the disruption is minimized.

Emergency response procedures should be designed to address the specific risks identified in the risk assessment. The procedures should include communication plans, evacuation plans, and contingency plans. The communication plan should outline how employees will be informed of the disruption and how they can access information about the emergency. The evacuation plan should outline how employees will be evacuated in case of a fire or other emergency. The contingency plan should outline the alternative courses of action that can be taken if the initial response plan fails.

Step 5: Test and Train the BCP

The fifth step in building a comprehensive BCP is testing and training the plan. Testing and training are important to ensure that the BCP is effective and that employees are prepared to respond to a disruption. The objective of testing and training is to identify any gaps in the plan and to address them before a disruption occurs.

Testing should be conducted regularly to ensure that the BCP is up to date and effective. Testing can be done through tabletop exercises, functional testing, or full-scale testing. Tabletop exercises involve a simulated scenario where the BCP is discussed, and employees are asked to respond to the scenario. Functional testing involves testing specific parts of the BCP, such as communication systems or recovery strategies. Full-scale testing involves testing the entire BCP under realistic conditions.

Training is important to ensure that employees understand their roles and responsibilities in the event of a disruption. Training should be provided to all employees, and it should be tailored to their specific roles and responsibilities. Training should also be provided to new employees and should be included in the onboarding process.

Best Practices for Building a Comprehensive BCP

Involve all stakeholders: All stakeholders, including employees, suppliers, and customers, should be involved in the development of the BCP. This will ensure that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities in the event of a disruption.

Keep the BCP up to date: The BCP should be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure that it is effective and up to date. Changes in the business environment or infrastructure should be reflected in the BCP.

Prioritize critical business functions: Critical business functions should be prioritized based on their importance to the business’s operations. Recovery strategies should be developed for each critical business function, and they should be ranked based on their level of importance.

Consider different scenarios: The BCP should consider different scenarios, including natural disasters, cyber-attacks, power outages, and human error. The BCP should be flexible enough to address different scenarios.

Test and train the BCP: The BCP should be tested and trained regularly to ensure that it is effective and that employees are prepared to respond to a disruption. Testing and training should be tailored to specific roles and responsibilities.


A comprehensive BCP is essential for ensuring the continuity of a business’s operations in the event of a disruption. It is a proactive approach that can minimize the impact of a disruption on a business’s infrastructure, reputation, and finances. Building a comprehensive BCP involves identifying potential threats, determining critical business functions, developing recovery strategies, establishing emergency response procedures, and testing and training the plan. Best practices for building a comprehensive BCP include involving all stakeholders, keeping the plan up to date, prioritizing critical business functions, considering different scenarios, and testing and training the plan regularly. By following these steps and best practices, businesses can increase their resilience and ensure the continuity of their operations in the face of unforeseeable events.

Understanding the Basics of Business Continuity Planning: What Is It and Why Is It Important?

Business continuity planning (BCP) is a process that organizations use to prepare for and respond to potential disruptions to their operations. These disruptions may come from a wide range of sources, including natural disasters, cyberattacks, human error, or other unexpected events. The goal of BCP is to minimize the impact of these disruptions and ensure that an organization can continue to operate effectively, even in the face of adversity.

In this article, we will explore the basics of business continuity planning, including what it is, why it is important, and some key steps that organizations can take to develop and implement an effective BCP.

What is Business Continuity Planning?

Business continuity planning is a proactive process that organizations use to identify potential threats to their operations, assess the risks associated with these threats, and develop strategies to minimize their impact. The primary goal of BCP is to ensure that an organization can continue to operate during and after a disruption, with minimal disruption to its core functions and services.

There are many different elements of BCP, including risk assessments, business impact analyses, emergency response plans, and communication strategies. These elements work together to create a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps an organization will take to maintain business continuity in the face of a disruption.

Why is Business Continuity Planning Important?

There are several reasons why business continuity planning is essential for organizations of all sizes and types. Perhaps the most significant reason is that disruptions to operations can be costly and disruptive, both in terms of financial losses and damage to an organization’s reputation.

For example, a natural disaster such as a hurricane or earthquake can damage an organization’s physical infrastructure, disrupt its supply chain, and impact its ability to provide services or products to customers. Similarly, a cyberattack or other security breach can compromise an organization’s data and systems, leading to financial losses and damage to its reputation.

Without a comprehensive BCP in place, organizations may struggle to respond effectively to these disruptions, resulting in extended downtime, lost revenue, and damage to customer relationships. In some cases, the impact of a disruption may be so severe that an organization is unable to recover, leading to business failure.

In addition to mitigating the impact of disruptions, BCP can also provide organizations with a competitive advantage. By demonstrating a commitment to maintaining business continuity, organizations can build trust with customers, investors, and other stakeholders. This can be especially important for organizations operating in industries that are highly regulated or face significant public scrutiny.

Key Elements of Business Continuity Planning

While every organization’s BCP will be different, there are several key elements that are common to most plans. These include:

Risk Assessment

The first step in developing a BCP is to identify potential threats to an organization’s operations. This may include natural disasters, cyberattacks, human error, supply chain disruptions, or other unexpected events. Once these threats have been identified, the organization should assess the likelihood of each threat occurring and the potential impact it could have on its operations.

Business Impact Analysis

Once potential threats have been identified and assessed, the next step is to conduct a business impact analysis (BIA). This process involves assessing the potential impact of each threat on an organization’s critical business functions and services. The goal of the BIA is to identify which functions and services are most critical to the organization’s operations and to develop strategies to ensure that these functions can continue in the face of a disruption.

Emergency Response Plan

An emergency response plan outlines the steps an organization will take to respond to a disruption. This plan should include procedures for evacuating facilities, securing data and equipment, communicating with employees, customers, and other stakeholders, and maintaining critical business functions and services.

Communication Strategy

Effective communication is essential during a disruption. Organizations should develop a communication strategy that outlines how they will

Is Your Business Ready for the Next Wave or Next Pandemic?

The importance of business continuity planning has never been more evident than with the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic. The world can go from normal to “new normal”, literally within a couple months.

Businesses and organizations are quickly finding that everyday supplies and procedures are becoming untenable in the face of such a pandemic. And many companies will not survive the financial fallout.

The Next Big One

Whether another wave of coronavirus, or a completely new biological hazard becomes the next “big one”, the businesses and organizations that survive this wave, will need to prepare.

A business can only survive so many shutdowns before it runs out of resources.

And whether your business continuity planning requires a plan to “hunker down”, or adjust your operations and personnel to continue through it safely, planning ahead now is the best way to ensure success for the next pandemic.

Business Continuity Planning for a Pandemic

Your planning requires a structure such as the Mission Critical Planner. Step by step you can build your continuity plan to better understand your resources and how to utilize them. These include things such as …

  • Supplies and supplier durability
  • PPE procurement and distribution
  • How to continue business operations safely
  • Separation of business operations to minimize infection spread
  • Communications to employees and the public
  • How to securely suspend operations if needed

There are many lessons to learn form the Covid-19 pandemic. And all these lessons provide critical data for businesses to plan for the next wave or the next pandemic.

Disaster Continuity

As important as maintaining disaster continuity is to a business or organization, being prepared offers a wealth of opportunity. Even if disaster never strikes.

What Does Disaster Continuity Really Mean?

Essentially, it means that during a disaster situation, your organization continues to function normally. Or almost normally. While everyone else is in panic mode and failing to deliver, you are continuing to supply your clients with what they need, when they need it most.

And simply having disaster contingencies in place that ensure continuity of operations means getting more clients. Because when companies look at their own preparedness, they realize they must work with other companies and organizations that are just as prepared as they are. Or else their own plans fail.

In short, YOU are part of your client’s disaster continuity plan.

Disaster Continuity Planning

Understanding what it takes to achieve uninterrupted continuity during a disaster requires that you understand your business from start to finish. There is a chain of events that starts with you getting everything you need to run your organization, through to everything involved in supplying your clients with the essential goods or services they need.

A disaster can break that chain at any point; supply, operations, distribution, management.

Disaster continuity is the planning you do to make that chain as unbreakable as possible. This often means having many “backup” chains.

Some Key Strategies

Every business and organization has different needs, but it’s helpful to understand some key strategies that ensure continuity during a disaster. And these ideas can be applied to any type of business.

1. Diverse Alternatives

As an example, say your business distributes it’s products by rail car. It is not an effective strategy to have five different shipping companies that ship by rail as a backup plan. Most likely, they all use the same railroad tracks at some point. If disaster strikes the line, none of the trains will run.

Real diverse alternatives mean having a plan that allows you to ship by truck, sea, or air as well as by rail.

2. Substitution

Every product has an ingredient list of materials needed to make it. And while most materials can be procurred from a variety of sources, some can’t. Some materials are very specialized. This is especially true if you manufacture a very specialized or premium grade product.

But in an emergency, can the materials you need to build your product or run your operation be substituted with something else? If you look hard enough, the answer is probably yes.

3. Extra Everything

Can you supply a large order quickly during a disaster? Do you have a source of personnel or independent contractors to call on when needed?

During a disaster, many products and services are needed in large quantities. And they are needed quickly. And even after a disaster has passed, if your competitors did not make it through the calamity intact, their customers will be coming to you. Or anyone who can now provide what they need.

A well prepared organization always prospers during or after a major disaster.

Business Continuity Planning Hazard Reference Guide – Human Caused Events

Accidental Hazards

Hazardous Material (Chemical, Radiological, Biological) Spill or Release

radiologicalHazardous materials exist everywhere in daily life and the workplace. Hazmat spills or releases can cause death and a wide array of injuries and illnesses, some of which can take years to develop. Hazmat accidents can occur during production, storage, transportation, use, or disposal of hazardous materials. Hazmat spills and releases can contaminate everything in the local area including ground water, air, plants, animals, and food resources. They can cause fires, disrupt general mobility, and require people to evacuate the local area. Often, hazardous materials cannot be detected by smell, taste, or any other human senses and contamination may be difficult to ascertain without the proper testing equipment and knowledge of the hazards properties.

Mitigation of hazardous material spills and releases:

  • Have backup facilities in place and away from the local area, preferably upstream, uphill, and upwind of the primary facility
  • Facilities should have well sealed access points to contain or repel hazmat spills and releases
  • Procedures for the safe production, storage, transportation, use, and disposal of hazardous materials that the company has on site should be implemented
  • Mitigation procedures for hazardous materials used by nearby persons or companies should exist
  • Be aware of alert procedures if nuclear power facilities are in the area.

Explosion / Fire

explosionExplosions or fire can be caused by a variety of sources including: hazmat spills or releases, lightning strikes, catastrophic events that disrupt gas lines or fuel storages, and intentional human caused events. Explosions and fires can destroy structures, equipment, and cause great injury or death and they can cause hazardous materials releases.

Mitigation of explosive and fire hazards:

  • Store explosive and hazardous materials safely and securely, with access by trained personnel only
  • Training in processes and procedures that involve explosive and flammable materials, and electrical systems should be done
  • Automatic sprinkler, fire suppression, and evacuation equipment, procedures, and training should be conducted

Transportation Accident

transportationTransportation accidents include crashes of planes, trains, ships, trains, trucks, and automobiles. Such accidents can cause hazmat releases into the surrounding area or over a wide area (example: oil tanker spill). Transportation Accidents can cause injuries, fatalities, and disrupt mobility in or through the area. Similar vehicles can be grounded, recalled, or decrease in value if a specific failure (defective part) attributable to all the vehicles is found to have caused catastrophic accidents.

Mitigation of transportation accidents:

  • Alternate transportation methods and routes should be established
  • Vehicle maintenance should be conducted and monitored regularly, using approved parts, methods, and qualified personnel
  • Driver or pilot training programs should meet regulatory requirements and include proficiency evaluations

Building / Structure Collapse

building collapseBuilding and structure collapses usually happen suddenly and with devastating consequences. They can be caused by seismic activity, windstorms, precipitation, and design or construction defects. Collapses can result in injury and death, and destroy not only the building or structure, but the contents and surrounding assets.

Mitigation of building and other structure collapses:

  • Facilities should be structurally designed, built, and utilize construction materials meeting regulatory requirements
  • Construction materials and methods specifically designed to prevent collapse should be used in areas subject to seismic or storm hazards

Energy / Power / Utility Failure

energyPeople and businesses rely increasingly on energy, power, and utilities as the use of computers, automation, and telecommunications increases. These services are essential and interruptions leave little way to process transactions, light facilities, or control traffic. Power disruptions can be caused by other hazards, and are unique in that they can also be caused by excessive demand put on the services. When power grids fail, blackouts or rolling (sporadic or induced) brownouts can occur. The lack of power or utility services can severely hamper the ability to deal with other hazards which is why backup power and communications systems are so prevalent in mitigating most hazards.

Mitigation of power failures:

  • Financial and critical computers and process systems should utilize UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supplies), and emergency power generators
  • Battery operated communications (cellular, radio) should be available
  • Emergency shutoff and startup procedures for gas, water and electrical power should be established

Fuel / Resource Shortage

fuelCivilization is built and run on the back of the carbon economy. The primary sources of carbon fuel are crude oil, natural gas, and coal. Oil is used to produce gasoline, diesel fuels, heating oil and industrial lubricants. The production of electricity is dependent in many areas on natural gas, and coal. Crude oil is also a feedstock for the production of plastics, and many other materials used in the production of goods, while natural gas is used to make fertilizers that are essential to high crop yields in agriculture. Resources also include minerals, wood and other materials used in the production of goods. Fuel and resource shortages cause economic slowdowns and inflation. Businesses, governments, and persons competing to get available resources causes price increases which in turn increases the price of the goods being manufactured, or transported. Those that can not compete effectively cannot earn a viable income and contribute to a slowdown in demand.

Mitigation of fuel and rescource shortages:

  • Establish multiple and diverse sources for fuel and resources
  • Establish strategic reserves and inventories for fuel and reserves
  • Conservation measures for the use of fuel and resources should be implemented to limit exposure
  • Contracts ensuring supply and price, with penalties for failing to meet these obligations should be designed

Air / Water Pollution, Contamination

pollutionPollution or contamination of air and water can have long lasting health consequences. Pollution is typically a widespread reduction in air or water quality caused over a length of time such as the effect of automobile exhaust on air quality or chemical byproducts released by industry processes. Contamination usually happens quickly by a large concentrated spill or release of toxic chemicals or materials in a local area. Pollution and contamination are generally the same as hazardous material spills or releases, and differ only in that they are not usually caused as the result of an accident, but are generally deemed to be the ecological cost of conducting business. Over time, pollution or concentrated contamination, can exact a cost that is too high too be justified by the benefits of conducting business in the manner that allows these hazards to occur.

Mitigation of contamination hazards:

  • Procedures for the safe production, storage, transportation, use, and disposal of hazardous materials that the company has on site should be implemented
  • Mitigation procedures for hazardous materials used by nearby persons or companies should exist
  • An environmental assessment of the facilities should be conducted

Water Control Structure / Dam / Levee Fail

leveeWater control structures hold back large reservoirs of water from following their natural course of flow. The failure of dams, levees, and other water control structures can cause sudden and costly damages due to severe flooding and be chronic in nature as floodwaters continue to flow until repairs can be made. Water control failures can be caused by inadequate engineering, increased water levels beyond the structures capabilities, and seismic events.

Mitigation of water control failures:

  • Primary or alternate facilities away from floodplains, natural drainage systems such as rivers and valleys
  • Elevated and reinforced construction of structures
  • Elevate utility access points and electrical panels
  • Install check-valves in sewer and water drains
  • Construct levees or barriers to prevent floodwaters from entering property or structures
  • Water control structures should be structurally designed, built, and utilize construction materials meeting regulatory requirements
  • Excessive precipitation or accumulation of water held by the structure should be monitored and controlled release procedures established

Financial Issues, Economic Depression, Inflation, Financial System Collapse

financeFinancial and economic issues are more prevalent during times when financial markets, commodity prices, and interest rates are experiencing above average price fluctuation. Such fluctuations can cause increased debt servicing costs, lower margins from long term contracts at fixed prices, lessening consumer demand for products and services, or loss of savings due to collapsed or bankrupt institutions. Financial issues can also arise from mismanagement of finances or poor investment strategies.

Mitigation of financial system hazards:

  • Prepare a 5 year business plan with financial goals, objectives, and metrics
  • Set rules and guidelines for investing excess cash that meets an acceptable risk tolerance
  • Review local and global trends with forecasts for pricing of commonly purchased items and sales into the market

Communications Systems Interruption

communicationsCommunications systems allow command, coordination, transactions, and information sharing quickly, and over great distances. They enable decisions and actions to be executed expediently and are always a priority function. Telephone, mobile phone, radio, courier service, fax, email, and the internet are all part of daily communications systems. When interrupted, the ability to command, coordinate and perform transactions or share information is interrupted. This in turn can cause harm to persons relying on essential information, or trying to contact emergency responders. It can shut down a businesses ability to perform its most basic daily functions. Interruptions are caused by other hazards or by communications equipment failures.

Mitigation of communications interruptions:

  • Battery operated communications (cellular, radio) should be available
  • Alternate communications systems should be compatible with responders communications systems
  • Out of area check-in contact and procedures should be established to take and relay messages

Intentionally Caused Hazards

Terrorism (Conventional, Chemical, Radiological, Biological, Cyber)

terrorTerrorism is the systematic use of violence and guerilla warfare techniques against persons and property for the purpose of intimidation, coercion, ransom, extortion, and publicity for a cause. Terrorism uses a wide variety of weaponry such as conventional guns and bombs, chemical, biological, radiological, and cyber or computer systems attacks. Targets for terrorism include all the strategic targets of war as well as public gatherings and corporate centers. Targeting is frequently focused on causing death and injury rather than destruction of assets or resources.

Mitigation of terrorism:

  • Facility design should include perimeter and access controls to ensure only authorized persons can gain access to the facility, and only authorized vehicles can enter the surrounding perimeter
  • Facility access points (doors, windows) should be well sealed and ventilation systems should have shutoff procedures to obstruct the intake of contaminated air
  • Mail and unscheduled deliveries should be confined and controlled to limited areas
  • Alternate facilities and management succession procedures should be established
  • Computer data should have equipment and procedures for backup to alternate media (paper files, disk, tape) and safeguarding (firewalls, encryption, password access)
  • Suspicious activity should be documented and reported


sabotageSabotage is a willful act of disruption or destruction that damages equipment or undermines the effectiveness of equipment or processes. Sabotage usually interrupts operations or degrades the quality of goods or products. Sabotage can be caused by disgruntled workers or persons from competing companies. Sabotage can result in interrupted operations, damaged equipment, negative perception of the company by customers, and even death or injury where critical processes or equipment is damaged.

Mitigation of sabotage:

  • Background checks on prospective employees should include criminal and work histories
  • Security systems should be used to monitor and safeguard sensitive areas
  • Persons accessing sensitive areas should follow security protocols
  • Quality control and inspection programs should be in place for products produced
  • Suspicious activity by employees should be documented and reported

Civil Disturbance, Public Unrest, Mass Hysteria, Riot

riotCivil disturbances are caused when large groups of people protest an issue or an incident in such a way as to interrupt normal activities. Interruption can occur as a result of impromptu public gatherings and speeches projecting negative sentiment, physical blockades of an area, vandalism, or violent clashes with persons or authorities. Disturbances are caused by failures in human rights, civil rights, justice, politics, and can happen due to passionate views of sporting or other major events. Most large disturbances have a small number of aggressive leaders or instigators, with the rest of the people involved taking advantage of escalating hysteria to vent frustration.

Mitigation of civil disturbances:

  • Physical barriers and security systems including personnel should be adequate to protect facilities
  • A general public relations program and community service program should be operating to provide information and involvement in the community
  • An employee manual should document best practices for ethical and moral conduct, with procedures for personnel management including hiring and firing practices and dispute resolution

Enemy Attack, War

warWar is the act of armed conflict with an opposing military or civilian militia, or other competing entity. The intent of conflict is preemptive defense, leadership change, or as the result of international disputes or strategic objectives. While enemy attacks can occur sporadically or frequently for a limited time, full scale war will most often last for months or years. Wars and attacks cause a great deal of injury, death, incarceration of prisoners, and damage to assets, resources and the general infrastructure. Specific targets during war are military bases, political centers, utilities and communications services, industrial manufacturers, and fuel and supply stations. War can cause structural collapses, fires, and disease, as well as famines and resource shortages. The economic costs are substantial.

Mitigation of war hazards:

  • Assess security, shelter-in-place and evacuation options for assets, resources, and personnel including the ramifications of a breakdown of utilities, communications, services and infrastructure during the exercise of various options
  • Determine whether the facility or nearby locations might be strategic targets for an attack


insurrectionInsurrection is a rebellion, revolt, or uprising meant to seize control from those currently in charge. On a national scale this could be a political or military coup. Within a company, this could occur within the management staff or with the board of directors. Insurrections occur when leadership policies are failing, or when an opportunity of instability is seized by others wishing to take power. Insurrections can cause unrest and disturbances, as well as interrupting normal operations.

Mitigation of insurrection hazards:

  • Explore the ramifications of significant changes to taxation, regulation, ownership, security and infrastructure that could occur with national leadership changes
  • Policies for management succession should be documented and included in the articles, memorandum, or bylaws of the company


strikeLabor strikes are organized groups of persons refusing to perform work duties in order to pressure management to better wages, benefits, or working conditions. Strikes can be legal or illegal, depending on applicable legislation, contracts, and the methods used to execute a strike. Strikes can often disrupt company operations and lead to some combination of negotiation, mediated bargaining, legal actions, increased labor costs, workforce changes, negative publicity and even insolvency depending on the situation.

Mitigation of strikes and labor disputes:

  • Employee training, support, and incentive programs should exist that promote team-building and address workers needs, while promoting motivation and excellence in the workplace
  • Options and sources for alternate workers for critical functions should be explored
  • Industry compensation trends should be explored


misinformationMisinformation can be false and misleading statements by employees, prospective employees, suppliers, or customers. It can be used in corporate espionage to lead negotiations or decision making in a direction that will negatively impact the company. The implications can be costly and have legal ramifications or generate negative publicity.

Mitigation of misinformation:

  • A system for clearing and validating information or reporting discrepancies should be established
  • Processes, procedures, and associated analytical data should be documented, monitored, and approved according to best practices for the industry, process or procedure


crimeCommon crimes are theft, vandalism, fraud, and assault. Less common crimes include kidnapping for ransom, extortion, embezzlement, and murder. Most crimes are motivated by profit except vandalism which is motivated by mischief or revenge and violent crimes which can be the result of extreme psychological conditions. Crimes can be perpetrated by individuals, small groups of people, or large organized groups. Crime can impact assets, resources, employee safety and morale, and proprietary information or trade secrets.

Mitigation of crime:

  • A general security plan for facilities, assets, resources, and personnel should exist including personal, residential, and travel safety for key persons
  • Suspicious activity or persons should be documented and reported
  • Independent forensic accounting audits should be conducted periodically to detect criminal activity regarding finances


arsonArson is an intentionally started fire intended to destroy a building or its contents. Cases of arson are highly detectable in fire investigations and are motivated by revenge, mischief, insurance fraud, or to conceal evidence of other crimes. Arson poses a danger to all assets and resources and to persons that may be in the facility, or who may be responding to the incident. All the dangers of conventional fires exist.

Mitigation of arson hazards:

  • Facility design should include perimeter and access controls to ensure only authorized persons can gain access to the facility
  • Automatic sprinkler, fire suppression, and evacuation equipment, procedures, and training should be conducted

Electromagnetic Pulse

electromagneticAn EMP or electromagnetic pulse is a high density electrical field. An EMP can damage electronics such as communications equipment, computers, electrical appliances and vehicle ignition systems. An EMP can cause brief functional interruption or the physical burnout of components in the equipment. An EMP is caused by a nuclear blast.

Mitigation of EMP hazards:

  • Battery operated communications (cellular, radio) should be available
  • Keep a maintenance inventory of backup electrical system and ignition components for critical transport vehicles
  • Computer data should have equipment and procedures for backup to alternate media (paper files, disk, tape)
  • Critical electrical systems and appliances should be shielded from electromagnetic radiation produced by an EMP

See also, Reference Guide: Natural Hazards

Business Continuity Planning Hazard Reference Guide – Natural Hazards

Geological Hazards


earthquakeEarthquakes are caused by a sudden movement of the earth’s crust due to shifting plate tectonics or underground volcanic activity. The earth’s surface is made up of many plates or separate pieces. Some of these plates also have fractures in them. When hot volcanic magma builds up, or the plates push slowly against each other, potential energy builds up just like compressing a spring. When the energy is released suddenly, the earth shakes violently. The closer you are to the epicenter (where the built up energy is released), the more violent the earthquake is.

Mitigation of earthquake hazards:

  • Flexible pipe fittings to water and gas lines so they can move rather than break during an earthquake
  • Vibration-sensitive automatic shut-off valves
  • Bolt down or secure large objects and pieces of equipment
  • Building construction that complies with regulatory requirements to withstand an earthquake
  • Minimize the weight of ceiling mounted fixtures and ensure they are anchored securely
  • In coastal areas be prepared for possible tsunamis which can be caused by earthquakes


tsunamiTsunamis are large waves or series of waves caused by underwater disturbances such as earthquakes, landslides, or falling meteorites. Tsunami’s can travel hundreds of miles an hour and reach 100 feet or more in height. They affect coastal areas and can cause a wide array of destruction including force of impact, severe flooding and moving debris, damage to structures, roads and utility systems, and contamination of drinking water.

Mitigation of tsunamis:

  • Primary or alternate facilities well above sea level
  • Primary or alternate facilities that are away from coastal beaches
  • Strong concrete and steel construction methods for structures
  • Breakwaters and other obstacles that minimize the impact force
  • Know the tsunami warning procedures for your area


volcanoVolcanoes are vents in the earth’s surface that lead down to the Earth’s molten interior. When gas or magma builds up enough pressure, they cause an eruption as they push through to the surface. This sudden release of force can cause earthquakes, and releases under the ocean can cause tsunamis. A violent volcanic eruption can flatten everything in the surrounding area, and throw debris, molten rock and thick ash into the atmosphere and for miles around the eruption. Hot magma flows can cause fires, and falling ash can turn rivers into destructive mud flows.

Mitigation of volcanos:

  • Primary or alternate facilities away from active volcanoes and away from low-lying areas or river valleys surrounding volcanoes.
  • Building structures and equipment storage should be well sealed against volcanic ash which can make breathing difficult and disrupt machinery.
  • High pitched roofs on structures will guard against collapse caused by heavy ash accumulations
  • Know the volcano warning procedures for your area

Landslide, Mudslide, Subsidence

landslideLandslides are massive flows of rock, earth and other debris down a mountain, hillside or other slope. When mixed with heavy rains or rivers they can become mudslides. A subsidence occurs when there is a hollow beneath a mass of earth that suddenly caves in. These can be caused by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, heavy rains, erosion, and fractures in rock structures. Deforested areas are ideal locations because erosion occurs more quickly without the protection of ground cover and living root systems from trees and plants. Landslides, mudslides and subsidence can occur suddenly, and move quickly, destroying everything in their path. They often pick up debris and increase in size and power like an avalanche.

Mitigation of landslide, mudslide, and subsidence hazards:

  • Primary or alternate facilities away from slopes, mountain edges and natural water drainage valleys or rivers
  • Flexible pipe fittings to water and gas lines so they can move rather than break during an earthquake
  • Get a ground assessment of the property to ensure the earth is solid, and that there is adequate drainage away from the property

Glacier, Iceberg

icebergGlaciers are masses of snow and ice in mountainous areas that usually stay all year long. Earthquakes, heavy precipitation, and warmer seasons can cause fracturing of these large masses of ice and result in slides. Melting ice and snow in the spring can cause river levels to rise significantly in the springtime. This can also produce new streams in unexpected areas or mudslides. Icebergs are masses of ice and snow floating freely in the cold northern and southern oceans. They can be hundreds of feet tall, and fracture or break apart frequently, especially in the warmer seasons. Icebergs can also contain hidden dangers to sea-going vessels below the surface of the water in the form of large masses of ice.

Mitigation of glacier hazards:

  • Primary or alternate facilities away from slopes, mountain edges and natural water drainage valleys or rivers
  • Flexible pipe fittings to water and gas lines so they can move rather than break during an earthquake
  • Get a ground assessment of the property to ensure the earth is solid, and that there is adequate drainage away from the property

Mitigation of Icebergs:

  • Do not stray out of normal shipping lanes in Arctic or Antarctic seas
  • Have adequate survival rafts, suits, and emergency beacons / communications available
  • Get up to date iceberg warnings, and steer clear of ice flows

Meteorological Hazards

Flood, Flash Flood, Seiche, Tidal Surge

floodFloods can develop slowly over a number of days or occur suddenly (flash flood). Heavy rains (including unseen precipitation upstream) and rapidly melting snow-packs can cause river levels to rise. Levee breaches, high tides, tsunamis, and seismic activity causing large waves in lakes (a seiche) can also cause floods. A flash flood is a massive amount of water which can quickly destroy bridges, wash away roads and carry destructive debris through low-lying floodplains. Floods cause water damage to everything impacted, structure erosion or destruction, loss of utilities, and water supply contamination. Other than rescue operations by authorities, little can be done to conduct recovery operations until the floodwaters subside. Large areas and access to those areas is often affected.

Mitigation of floods, etc:

  • Primary or alternate facilities away from floodplains, natural drainage systems such as rivers and valleys
  • Elevated and reinforced construction of structures
  • Elevate utility access points and electrical panels
  • Install check-valves in sewer and water drains
  • Construct levees or barriers to prevent floodwaters from entering property or structures


droughtA drought is a period of water shortage when there is not enough fresh water available for drinking consumption, livestock and crops. When mountain snow-packs are mild or precipitation is sparse, water sources (reservoirs, aquifers, rivers) may not be recharged as quickly as water is being taken from them for consumption purposes. Extreme heat waves can also contribute to drought as more water is needed because so much is lost through evaporation and transpiration. Available water sources can become contaminated during a drought when there is not enough flow through the water table to keep them fresh and this adds to the problem. Droughts can create dry conditions in wilderness and urban areas that make fires more likely and more damaging.

Mitigation of drought:

  • Have rationing and conservation procedures for periods of drought
  • Use water-saving appliances and equipment to aid in general conservation
  • Secure backup sources of water for consumption and irrigation
  • Water filtration or purification equipment to clean potable sources affected by drought induced contamination

Fire (Forest, Range, Urban)

fireFires can spread very quickly, and produce a wide variety of dangers. They can superheat the air around you which can sear your lungs, and as they burn, they use up the surrounding oxygen, replacing it with poisonous gases which can cause disorientation and asphyxiation.

Forest and range fires:

Wildfires are caused by lightning strikes, accidents, and lack of caution by people in wilderness areas. These fires are especially dangerous during dry seasons and can be aggravated by winds, and dense brush. These fires travel faster than a person can run up valley slopes and burning embers can be carried for great distances by the thermal winds produced by a fire allowing the fires to cross areas where there is no little fuel for them to advance.

Urban fires:

Fires in urban areas have many possible causes, including: faulty or substandard electrical wiring, overloaded circuits and electrical outlets, flammable liquids and substances coming into contact with sparks, flames, or static electricity, chemical reactions, inadequate shielding of heat sources, un-serviced chimneys, lack of caution with sources of fire and combustible materials, or willful acts of arson. They can spread to neighboring structures and erupt with explosive force when fed with fresh air when doors or windows leading to the fire are opened.

Mitigation of forest and range fires:

  • Strong concrete and steel construction methods for structures
  • Access of wilderness areas should be minimized during dry seasons
  • Facilities should have adequate space between them and combustible brush or forested areas
  • Combustible materials and objects should not be stored in an exposed manner
  • Processes or procedures involving heat sources should be carried out away from brush and trees

Mitigation of urban fires:

  • Ensure that all electrical wiring, equipment, and installations comply with regulations
  • Ensure that automatic sprinkler systems, smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, alarm systems, fire lanes and other access points for emergency responders comply with regulations
  • Secured access points (doors and windows) should be easily opened from inside to ensure emergency exit is possible
  • Store flammable liquids and materials in approved containers and in well ventilated storage areas
  • Keep open flames, sparks, and heat sources away from combustible materials

Snow, Ice, Hail, Sleet, Avalanche

snowDescription – Snow, Ice, Hail, and Sleet:

These are common winter conditions. At extreme levels they can greatly hamper mobility and transportation. Hail can cause physical impact damage. Trees and roofs can be weighted down with heavy snow falls causing collapse. Downed trees can damage power lines and other structures. Sudden snow falls in mild weather can melt quickly causing floods.

Description – Avalanches:

Avalanches are large masses of snow and ice flowing down a mountain, hillside, or other slope. Much like landslides, they travel with great speed and force, destroying much in their path. Avalanches can be caused by earthquakes and other seismic activity, and by mild temperature conditions that allows the upper snow-pack to separate from its base. Avalanches can pick up trees and other debris as they fall.

Mitigation of snow, ice, hail, and sleet hazards:

  • High pitched roofs on structures will guard against collapse caused by heavy snow accumulations
  • Follow mitigation for Extreme Temperatures (cold)

Mitigation of avalanches:

  • Primary or alternate facilities away from mountains and hillsides
  • Support a controlled avalanche program to minimize threatening snow-packs on nearby slopes

Windstorm, Tropical Cyclone, Hurricane, Tornado, Water Spout, Dust / Sand Storm

tornadoStorm force winds are caused when warm and cool weather systems converge and can cause a great deal of destruction. They carry flying debris, water, or sand. The water carried by these storms and accompanying severe rainfall can cause flooding in low lying areas. Wind speeds can reach 150 mph for large hurricanes, and up to 300 mph for tornados. These wind speeds can destroy most building structures and cause injury or death from flying debris or collapsing structures. Lightning strikes may also accompany such storms. These storms usually knock down power lines, interrupt communications, block roadways with downed trees, and interrupt general mobility, services, and rescue efforts until the storm has passed.

Mitigation of storm hazards:

  • Building construction that complies with regulatory requirements to withstand storm force winds
  • Install window shutters and sturdy doors to protect access points to the facility
  • Create an emergency “safe room” in a basement or ground level room away from exterior walls with a strong, heavy frame that can not be easily uplifted or breached by high pressure winds and flying debris in areas not prone to flooding
  • Keep equipment and vehicles stored in protected areas
  • Secure backup power and water supplies
  • Know the storm warning procedures in your area

Extreme Temperatures (Heat, Cold)

temperatureDescription – Extreme Heat:

Extreme heat can be caused by changing weather patterns, the lack of precipitation and cloud cover during warmer seasons, as well as general geography. Periods of extreme heat make the body work harder to maintain its normal temperature. This is aggravated by high humidity and air pollution. Heat related illnesses (cramps, exhaustion, heat stroke) first affect older adults, children, ill or unhealthy persons, and persons over-exerting themselves physically. Extreme heat contributes to drought and fire hazards.

Description – Extreme Cold:

Weather fronts bringing extreme cold can move into an area very quickly. Extreme cold turns precipitation into snow, ice, hail and sleet, and can make mobility in the area very difficult. Extreme cold prevents vehicle engines and other equipment from running properly or at all. The cold can affect electrical and power systems, and cause blockage or breakage of water lines and sewer systems. For persons exposed the hazards are frostbite, hypothermia, and heart trouble or exhaustion from over-exertion.

Mitigation of extreme heat conditions:

  • Install air-conditioning equipment and insulate facilities well
  • Insulate access points (doors and windows) with weather stripping
  • Use awnings, curtains or blinds to shield sun out of facilities
  • Perform physical work during the coolest part of the day or in cool or air-conditioned areas to limit exposure
  • Secure backup power and water supplies

Mitigation of extreme cold conditions:

  • Install heating equipment and insulate facilities well
  • Insulate access points (doors and windows) with weather stripping
  • Perform physical work sparingly, or in warm, protected areas to limit exposure
  • Secure backup power and water supplies
  • Insulate water lines
  • Keep equipment and vehicles stored in protected areas and in top operating condition

Lightning Strikes

lightningThunderstorms produce lightning strikes that are typically 300,000 volts and are hotter than the surface of the sun. Lightning can cause death or cardio-pulmonary injuries, neurological injuries, intense burns, ocular and auditory damage. Lightning strikes are responsible for wildfires, power outages, and damage caused by falling trees or structures that have been struck. Lightning and thunderstorms can bring heavy rains for a brief period as well as hail, flooding, windstorms and tornados.

Mitigation of lightning strikes:

  • Remove surrounding weak or delicate trees, branches, and structures that could fall onto the facility if struck by lightning
  • Where possible, work areas should be inside under cover
  • Have wireless (cordless, cellular, battery operated radio) communications available
  • Water pipes and bathroom fixtures should be non-conductive (plastic) insulated
  • Use a lightning arrester to guard against power surges to sensitive computer systems and equipment


famineFamines are shortages of food. Food production and availability is limited by economic factors in poor nations. Famines can cause degradation of living standards, economic loss to food exporting nations, and mass starvation. Famines are caused by drought, erosion of fertile soil, insect infestations, plant or animal diseases, war or civil unrest, and catastrophic hazards affecting a large region such as flooding, extreme temperatures, and water contamination. Famine conditions can also be forced by trade disputes or civil actions such as transport or agricultural worker strikes.

Mitigation of famine:

  • Diverse sources of food supplies should be secured including local agricultural and food production capabilities
  • Land and water use in the region should be handled responsibly
  • Economic, social, and political stability in the local region as well as food source regions

Biological Hazards

Diseases that Impact Humans and Animals (Plague, Smallpox, Anthrax, West Nile Virus, Foot and Mouth Disease, Avian Flu, coronavirus)

diseaseDiseases that impact humans and animals can vary greatly in their ability to spread quickly or in their fatality rate. Some animal diseases such as BSE (mad cow disease) or avian flu can potentially be passed from animals to humans, often with devastating consequences because people have no natural immunity to such diseases. Animal diseases can affect the food supply and be responsible for shortages and famines. The race to mitigate animal diseases can have other consequences such as restrictions in trade or human mobility due to regional quarantines. Human diseases such as severe flu outbreaks can affect key personnel and their ability to perform. Severe epidemics or outbreaks of deadly disease strains can restrict general mobility and travel, and overburden medical services.

Mitigation of diseases:

  • Access to facilities or sensitive areas should be limited and controlled
  • Wherever possible, physically separate divisions of people with different functions, especially critical functions (example: separate management offices from general labor areas)
  • Retain telecommunications and telecommuting abilities to conduct business under public or general quarantine conditions or during travel restrictions

Animal or Insect Infestation

insectsAnimal infestation is not common and usually occurs as the result of building facilities into newly developed wilderness areas, or when a foreign species is introduced into the local ecosystem and dominates that system, killing the local animal populations. Rats, mice, and birds tend to be the primary animal infestation pests. Insect infestation is far more common and can be the result of ecological conditions causing rapid population growth, un-cleanliness, or the existence of ample habitat for pests such as dense foliage, wooden structures, or areas containing standing water. Infestations can be a general nuisance, cause physical or structural damage, and spread diseases.

Mitigation of infestations:

  • Facilities should follow sound construction methods. Cracks, crevices, exposed wood surfaces or breaches in walls should be repaired
  • Remove or control surrounding foliage, trees and unnecessary structures or outside storage of equipment or supplies
  • Have a pest monitoring and control plan for all facilities

See also, Reference Guide: Human Caused Hazards

An All Hazards Approach to Response and Recovery from Business Continuity Disasters

An “all hazards” approach to response and recovery ensures a flexible and organized framework for handling a diverse range of incidents.

Step-by-step, this is a basic outline of of how to approach a disaster situation to ensure continuity of your business and effectively manage the response to a disaster and the recovery of normal business operations. This is what a good business continuity program is designed to do.

Response and Recovery Steps

  1. Evacuate (or if appropriate, shelter in place) all persons in the hazard impact area. Emergency response teams should only enter a hazardous area when it is safe to do so
  2. Call in external responders as needed
  3. Activate the Incident Management system (protocols and authority)
  4. Stabilize the situation
  5. Analyze the situation
  6. Account for all persons in the facility or hazard area, and all off-duty employees
  7. Control access to the hazard area or physically secure the property
  8. Assess the damage to resources
  9. Conduct an Action Briefing and assign response tasks, as well as actions to:
    • Mitigate further damage
    • Recover from the incident
    • Ensure business continuity
  10. Conduct media relations and public awareness as necessary
  11. Photograph or videotape the hazard impact for insurance documentation
  12. Restore utilities (power, gas, water, communications)
  13. Restore business functions in order of priority
  14. Remove water, smoke, debris, and contaminated materials
  15. Evaluate the business continuity program and conduct corrective actions for any deficiencies found

See also, Hazard Reference Guides to Natural Hazards and Human Caused Hazards

How to Create an Emergency Evacuation Map for your Business

Having an evacuation map is not just a good idea, it’s required by law to meet most local fire codes. And there are a number of keys and best practices for making a proper evacuation map …

1. Keep it Simple

This is a case where less detail is better. The faster and easier that someone can look at your map and find out what they need to know, the better. Calm thinking goes out the window during a crisis, and the goal here is to save lives, so only the important elements need to be displayed.

For the map to provide instant clarity during a disasterous event, use simple black and white lines to show the architectural layout (walls, doors, etc). Highlight important elements on the map (exit points, fire extinguisher locations, etc) in color. These important elements should be shown using both a simple graphic and a text label.

2. Elements to Show on Your Evacuation Map

  • The basic layout of the property including walls and doors. Show the outside of the property as well because you need to indicate a marshal or congregation area for people to go to in the event of an emergency.
  • The starting point. This is the location of the map (and therefore the person reading it). Make a large red dot and label it “You Are Here”.
  • The compass. Show a basic compass in the corner of the map indicating the direction of North with the letter “N”.
  • Exit points. Highlight the exterior doors and label them as “Exit” on your map. These exit points need to be clear and accessible at all times. They also should not be locked in a way that requires a key to open them when exiting.
  • The marshal area. This is the place where evacuees should meet. It should be a safe distance away from the building to provide adequate protection from fire and any onsite hazards such as chemicals or explosive materials. Draw the marshal area on your map using a red circle and label it “Marshal Area”.
  • Fire extinguishers. Use a small fire extinguisher icon and the label “Fire Extinguisher” to show the location of all the extinguishers on your map. If there’s a firefighting station on the property, show that as well and label it “Fire Station”.
  • First aid kits and stations. Use a blue cross and the appropriate labels to show the location of first aid kits and first aid rooms.
  • Other important elements. You can also show certain things such as eyewash stations, stairways that lead out of the building, and other safety stations that might be specific to your industry or business.

3. Display the Maps in High Traffic Areas

For an evacuation map to be useful, it has to be visible. Display it on a bare wall in easy view of the surrounding area. If you have multiple maps, make a different map for each diplay location with a unique “You Are Here” element.

It’s also a good idea to orient each map (turn it) in a way that makes sense to the display location so users can quickly see where they are and how to exit. The best way to understand this is, if you’re facing the map and you remove it from the wall and lay it flat, the elements to the left of you will be to the left of your location marked on the map.

4. Tools for Creating Your Map

The easiest way to create an evacuation map is to use simple pen and paper. If you do this, use fine-tipped markers for the colored elements. You can also use the drawing tools in a program like Microsoft Word or a drawing program like Photoshop.

An ordinary picture frame will do for displaying your maps, and you can get “frameless” picture frames at any stationary store that look clean and professional.

Here’s a sample evacuation map …

Sample Evacuation Map